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Recent Articles

  • Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: Snow and Ice in Week 47

    Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: Snow and Ice in Week 47

    During week 47 of lockdown in England due to the coronavirus pandemic the vaccination continues its roll-out as new, small centres open. At last transmission rates are coming down which could be due to the vaccination programme or the effect of the third national lockdown. Thanks to the arrival of…

  • Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: Signs of Spring in Week 46

    Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: Signs of Spring in Week 46

    At the start of week 46 of the coronavirus pandemic England has been in its third national lockdown for a month. At last the daily count of new cases is gradually going down but deaths from COVID-19 remain dangerously high. The vaccine roll-out is going well with new centres opening. But doubt has…

  • Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 45 and Vaccine Battles

    Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 45 and Vaccine Battles

    This week, the 45th of the coronavirus pandemic, deliveries of the coronavirus vaccine to the UK were threatened by squabbles between the producers of the AstraZeneca vaccine and the European Commission. Meanwhile, a third vaccine is approved and two more, manufactured in the UK are showing…

  • Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: Dark Days in Week 44

    Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: Dark Days in Week 44

    It is now week 44 of the coronavirus pandemic the number of cases and deaths relating to COVID-19 now exceed those during the spring of 2020. Hospitals are over-flowing and transferring cases to other regions. Yet people continue to organise large gatherings inside. The roll-out of the vaccine is…

  • Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 43 Lockdown Rules Enforced

    Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 43 Lockdown Rules Enforced

    It is week 43 of the coronavirus pandemic and the number of cases and deaths related to COVID 19 are still dangerously high as the NHS struggles to cope. The government issues some stark warnings and promises stricter enforcement of restrictions. Despite being told everyone should act as though…

  • Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: England Enters Lockdown 3

    Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: England Enters Lockdown 3

    During Week 42 of the coronavirus pandemic the number of daily COVID-19 deaths breaks all previous records and England goes back into lockdown. The NHS is stretched to the limit and England is plunged into a third national lockdown. This is set to last until mid-February at the earliest. As the…

  • Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 41 – #stayathome

    Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 41 – #stayathome

    Week 41 of the coronavirus pandemic sees the end of a terrible 2020 as we move into 2021 which is not having a promising start. Deaths from COVID-19 continue to rise and have already far exceeded the terrible predictions of scientists during the summer months. Yet people continue to ignore the…

  • Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: A COVID Christmas in Week 40

    Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: A COVID Christmas in Week 40

    This week the UK looks forward to a one-day very limited celebration of Christmas as a new variant of COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly through England. London and much of the South-East are already in the stricter Tier 4 but more will follow on Boxing Day. Countries around the world are…

  • Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 39 and Borismas Replaces Christmas

    Life During a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 39 and Borismas Replaces Christmas

    During week 39 of the coronavirus the UK government announces that a new variant of COVID-19 has been discovered in London and South East England. The rate of infection of this variant is believed to be faster than that of early variants. Initially the Prime Minister clings to his promise of a…

  • Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 38 - Start of Vaccination Roll Out

    Life in a Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 38 - Start of Vaccination Roll Out

    It is week 38 of the coronavirus pandemic and hopes of a decline in the number of COVID-19 cases following a 4-week lockdown are fading as the numbers start rising again. But the vaccine has arrived in the UK and the roll-out starts this week. It will take months to vaccinate everyone so we still…